Gone are the days when there used to be two generations of people
in the workplace - The long-serving old-timers and the ambitious newcomers. In
today’s dynamic age and time, there can be as many a s 5 generations of
people working in a company. Being a new hire freshly out of one of the
best PGDM College in Hyderabad, amidst
such mixed ideologies can be a bit overwhelming.
Here is a list of 4 strategies that can help you ensure
Multi-Generational Harmony once you enter into industry after completing your PGDM in Hyderabad:

1. Establish Respect
No matter how old or how experienced we are, everyone craves
respect. The newcomers should respect the older generations' experience and
seniority, whereas the long-servers need to respect and adjust to the potential
and talent of the younger generations. Only when all the parties respect each
other can they survive and thrive in the company.
The key to respecting a generation other than yours is to accept
the fact that they are different from yours. Try to explore and understand what
are the motivators for each generation, what experiences they have that can
help you in the long run and try to learn good things from each generations’
working style.
2. Be Accommodating
“In Rome, do as Romans do.” Although, you may be exactly working
in Rome but you got the point right? Try to understand each generation and when
working with different people, be as accommodating as possible to their
respective working style in order to avoid division and conflict. Each generation
has its own needs and wants. They value different ways of working as opposed to
your preferred way of work. Respecting each way and trying to be accommodative
while making sure your own style of work is not getting compromised will help
you become a good team player.

3. Steer Clear Of Stereotyping
It is very easy to stereotype when you believe in one ideology and
others do not. You need to understand that everyone is unique in their own
specific way and you need to accept people on the basis of their merits rather
than as “Typical” members of a particular generation having a conflicting
ideology. Steering clear of stereotyping will open a window of opportunity for
you where you can explore new ideas and suggestions from other generations thus
inculcating the positives in your own value system.

4. Learn From Others
Learning is a constant activity. Being the youngest generation in
the workforce gives you an edge as you are a clean slate with the best an
ability to adapt to anything that comes your way. The various generations of
individuals have a huge wealth of experience and knowledge that you can tap
into. Having an open mind towards this knowledge would not only help you avoid
the mistakes they must have done in their career but will also help you create
a working style that would ensure that you have adapted to best of all the
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