Monday 26 November 2018

5 Tips For The Leaders To Manage Change

“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future” – John F. Kennedy

Quoted correctly here, this theory holds good for organisations as well. You can never see your company at a better position than yesterday till the time you are not adaptive enough towards the change that is happening around. One of the most challenging time to lead a team is when there is a transitional phase going on in the company. It is rightly said that change is the only constant thing in the world but sadly the resistance to change would always be there. People do not like to come out of their comfort zone and do something differently.
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The other aspect of introducing change is that an environment of uncertainty is created amongst the employees which in turn creates an atmosphere of fear, low morale, and brings out the worst in people in terms of efficiency and productivity.  After completing your MBA from one of the top 10 MBA Colleges in Hyderabad, you can be faced with a similar situation. As a thoughtful leader if you can successfully address organizational change tactfully and immediately, not only will it minimize its negative effects on the organisation but would also create an environment of high productivity.

A guide by one of the MBA Colleges in Hyderabad, here is a list of 5 Tips that can help you manage the change in a better way:
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1.Be Transparent

Keep your employees informed of each step and phase of the change in advance. This would eliminate the element of surprise thus giving you a buffer to mitigate the effects of change to a greater level. Keeping your team informed would make them feel a part of change and thus would increase the acceptability towards the change as well.
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2. Be Excited

Change is good for both employees and companies and that is why it is introduced at the first place. Give your employees an assurance of security and also explain it to them how they fit into the picture. This would make them feel involved in the whole process and therefore would provide encouragement and positive vibes to them about the whole change. Asking them for their inputs in advance and collecting and inculcating regular feedback from your employees would make them feel a part of the entire process and hence would make them adapt to the change in the initial stage only.
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3. Handle The Negative Aspects Smartly

Change can be harsh for some people and you need to be cautious while making them aware of it. Deliver all the hard news diplomatically and tactfully. Pick you timing and approach them smartly. Focus on the entire communication process and keep them informed of every update regarding the change.

4.  Set Expectations Beforehand

Defining expected results would create a level of expectation amongst the employees regarding what would be the end result of the change. Although this could not be definitive but would at least give time to your employees to adjust to whatever would be the outcome of the change.
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5. Make Your Employees Feel Valued

Change is hard and those who were involved in any way in this change management, they need to applauded and recognised. This would make them feel valued during a tough transition and would keep them contented and satisfied.

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